Digital Marketing

Ready to grow your brand awareness and sales?

By making use of email marketing we can effectively bring the products and/or services within your company to the attention of your target group by structurally deploying campaigns through Mailchimp’s professional environment with tools to structurally optimize the process and results.

Digital marketing

Why email marketing?

Relatively cheap

Especially when we compare it with printed newsletters. Online you do not have to deal with the costs of printing or shipping, which makes it a great alternative.

Reach continues to grow

We integrate your online channels with a mailing list so that the reach of your online newsletter continues to grow structurally for each campaign you send.

Measurable results

We can analyze exactly what the recipients do with your newsletter and measure the results to continue to optimize the campaigns effectively.

Focused on conversion

We place strategic links in the newsletter to forward your target group to, for example, your website to perform a specific action or contact information.

Interactive Elements

We make the newsletters very attractive for the recipient. Not only with text and beautiful images, but also with various interactive elements like videos.

Remaining Relevant

By structurally deploying email marketing campaigns, we ensure that recipients will continue to remember your company and are more likely to take action.

JDV Online Solutions

Curious about what we can do for you and your company?

We would like to take the time to get to know you and your company better. Contact us for a free online introductory meeting in which we will discuss all the requirements and wishes for your project. After the conversation, you will receive a non-binding project description from us with an explanation about the possible realization for your project.

JDV Online Solutions ©2023

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